Wednesday, March 21, 2012

That Apostolic Visitation

I've been kept busy with parish work for the past few days, so I've not had the time to write down my thoughts on the findings of the Apostolic Visitation to Ireland.  In the main, I agree with Fr John Hogan's take on the report, and in particular his suggestion that it be read carefully. I'm sure that some friends of my own are disappointed that the report didn't suggest such drastic actions as widespread sackings in the theology faculties and the closure of Maynooth. Plenty of other commentators are bemoaning the fact that the report didn't suggest the introduction of married clergy.  Of course, many of these latter commentators aren't too keen on the Catholic Church teaching actual Catholic Doctrine, so it's not likely that they'd be happy in any case. It should also be noted that this visitation was not primarily about Child Protection or an analysis of Child Protection failures - it was intended on giving a general picture of the Irish Church so that it might be effective in its mission.

If the Church in Ireland actually takes the recommendations of the report seriously, there is more than enough there for us to get working on for the renewal of our Church.

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